David Van Heim is a worldwide brand, created in Geneva, Switzerland, totally innovative : technically, design and accessibility.
After three years of research so as to embody consistency, the name appeared and became at once familiar. And a feeling like it has always been part of the watch scenery…
David Van Heim ? A man who bears this voluntary position, as illustrated by the character who welcomes the visitor on the official website entry : head bent forward, eyes down, so as to better defend and cultivate intimacy and mystery.
Technically, David Van Heim is an original interlocking system that makes way to customisation and multiple combinations. Flexible or screwed on case-lugs, ideal for a comfortable wear and also giving big sizes modesty and pride.
David Van Heim, it is an attractive design, a seduction of forms, colors, ardent and enriching discussions between shiny and satined, shines and shadow zones…
Already 5 collections live by these values… Already inclined towards success so much is the accessibility in the heart of its DNA.
Inheritance… Does one need to appeal to a genealogist? Certainly, because the name personifies family continuity, transmission of patrimonial values and especially to pass it on to descendants.
David Van Heim, it is an invitation to a journey, in pursuit of a reunion on the return from some exile, between Holland and the Extreme North, big ouïgours spaces or sacred mountains. And in the background, a warm, powerful and incantatrice voice, similar to that of the world singer Dawta Jena & Urban Lions. An artist with no border, who embodies this new brand by making the roots spirit flood through our deepest intimacies.
Who is David Van Heim ? The question stays, remains a conquest, a revelation an appropriation…